نتائج البحث عن "tomb"

Burial chambers
➤ Burial chambers are final resting places for dignitaries where great treasures are supposed to be buried beside the deceased....

Catacombs and underground cemeteries are subterranean galleries with recesses for tombs that can be found in ancient Rome and Jerusalem.

Sarcophagi are stone coffins with inscriptions and usually associated with ancient Egypt, Rome or Greece. The magnificent coffins can be...
Cavity Detection
Experience adventure, fascination and history: Cavity Detection with the appropriate detector goes beyond treasure hunting. Discover lost places and hidden...

Golden Jewelry Found with OKM Evolution in the Near East
A treasure hunter tells about his hobby of treasure hunting in the Near East and his first big find, which...

TOP 10 Discoveries 2020 with OKM Detectors
Treasure hunters, archaeologists and research teams shared their pictures and videos of treasure finds and discoveries with OKM. These success...

The Quest for Viking King Bluetooth's Lost Grave
What connects the Viking king Harald Bluetooth and the Knights Templar? And what does Hollywood have to do with the...