نتائج البحث عن "archaeology"

Arches are curved symmetrical building structures under bridges, roofs or walls. These old building structures often contain artefacts and valuable...

Galleries and corridors provide an indication of the discovered type of building and allow suggestions about the position of interesting...

Rare Discovery: Tetradrachm from the Seleucid Era
This rare coin, a tetradrachm, originates from the Seleucid Empire, probably from the reign of Antiochos Hierax around 230 BC.

Lost Places
Get an impression of the fascination of rediscovering historic sites.

Treasure Hunting
Treasure hunting means more than just digging up gold treasures, silver coins and ancient artifacts. Become part of the great...

Cavefinder locates greek artefacts in the Ukraine
A group of historians and treasure hunters from Ukraine detected a large number of ancient Greek artefacts near the river...

Treasure trove
➤ Treasure troves supply a collection or store of valuable objects. Whether in castles and palaces or within the walls...

Catacombs and underground cemeteries are subterranean galleries with recesses for tombs that can be found in ancient Rome and Jerusalem.

Ghost Towns
➤ Ghost towns are abandoned, uninhabited settlements. Typical ghost settlements consist of slowly decaying buildings. In the deserted places, numerous...

Artifacts Detected with OKM eXp 6000 in 30 ft (9 m) Depth
This collection of ancient artifacts, from bronze vases to ornate vessels, reveals the rich heritage of past civilizations and the...

Figure of Artemis Discovered in Kurdistan (Iraq)
Artifact detected with the best camouflaged detector: This figurine shows Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and guardian of women...

OKM treasure hunting team searches for the lost Guerilla Gold
An exciting adventure of the OKM treasure hunting team searching for the hidden gold of the Guerillas.